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WATERLINE - June, 2013

WALPA needs you! Join the Board of Directors!

Are you interested in helping plan the WALPA Annual Conference? Do you have good organizational skills and want to put them to use? Or do you just love lakes? Then WALPA needs you for the Board of Directors. We need to fill the following volunteer positions in 2013:

•    Directors (two year commitment – seven positions available)
•    Secretary (two year commitment)
•    President (three year commitment – one year each as President-elect, President, and Past-President)

WALPA-color-logoThe WALPA Board meets every two months in the evening. We use conference calling to include those unable to attend in person. Directors’ other duties include working on one of our committees: choose what most interests you from scholarships to legislation. We strive for regional representation and especially encourage participation from our lake associations around the state.

Board members and officers will be elected by written ballot at the 2013 annual conference in Vancouver and the results will be announced at the business meeting. If you are interested in nominating someone or volunteering yourself, please contact one of the following Election Committee members by August 30, 2013:

Elizabeth Johnson
(206) 233-0048

Randy Hadland
(360) 915-7331      

Aaron Nix
(360) 886-5700