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WATERLINE - June, 2020

Update: 2020 WALPA conference may be virtual!

WALPA is currently negotiating with the hotel in Richland about cancelling our October 2020 conference due to the COVID pandemic and possibly rescheduling it there for 2021. We are looking into holding a virtual conference on October 15-16, 2020 and will post more information about that in the coming month. Please stay tuned and be safe. In the meantime, feel free to send your conference presentation abstracts or ideas to our President-Elect and Conference Committee Chair Rob Zisette at rzisette@herrerainc.com. Our conference theme is Lake Diversity, from Ponds to Reservoirs.


June 2020 HOME

Water quality education and outreach continue despite stay-at-home orders

WALPA Board news from the President

Update: 2020 WALPA conference may be virtual!

Interesting water plants

Non-stick chemicals in Washington’s urban lakes: new study to look at pathways and sources


  • YSI-A Xylem Brand
    Department of Ecology State of Washington
    tetra tech
    cd3 systems
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  • WATERLINE is the newsletter of the Washington State Lake Protection Assoc. (WALPA).
    Send submissions to Polly Freeman at polly_freeman@msn.com

    Articles may be reproduced. Please credit WATERLINE.
    For information about the organization visit the WALPA home page


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