Student Poster Session is Thursday, October 15th at 9AM PDT
Impacts of Wildfire Reburn Events on Water Storage and Transport in the Washington Cascades
– Katherine Swensen, Washington State University, Vancouver
Coauthor: Kevan Moffett
Broadscale Distribution, Abundance, and Habitat Association of the Asian Clam Corbicula Fluminea in the Lower Columbia River, USA
– Salvador Robb-Chavez, Washington State University Vancouver
Coauthors: Stephen Bollens, Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Timothy Counihan
Effects of Boat Wakes on the Nearshore of the Spokane River in North Idaho
– Krystal Saunoa, University of Idaho
Coauthors: Frank Wilhelm, University of Idaho, Julie Vanmiddlesworth, North Idaho College