WALPA’s annual conference sets the stage for a successful future
Lake managers, professionals and lakeside residents converged on beautiful Walla Walla for the 28th annual WALPA conference at the end of October. In total, more than 90 members attended to sharpen their lake management knowledge and network with other lake-minded people. This year’s theme of Looking Back to Prepare for the Future provided a great framework for evaluating our organization’s progress and setting us up for a successful future.
Students are big winners thanks to generous auction donors in 2015
Students are integral to ensuring the future protection of lakes in our region. Since 2004, WALPA has supported students through our scholarship program, helping fund more than 30 student research projects and providing support for attending WALPA conferences. Thanks to the introduction of a raffle and auction fundraiser in 2013, WALPA has been able to grow the program to offer larger scholarships. And in 2015 student scholarships have an even brighter future as more than $10,000…
Reciprocal relationships between limnologists and landowners: a benefit to lakes
by Trea LaCroix and Frank M. Wilhelm, Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, University of Idaho
It’s amazing how an environmental problem brings together people with a wide range of backgrounds and viewpoints. Here we examine how interactions between scientists and landowners evolved into a reciprocal learning/sharing experience that greatly enriched the research we undertook at Fernan Lake. We believe that this model would transfer readily to other lakes or ecosystems and could start meaningful discussions to help all stakeholders understand the benefits of welcoming scientists into their midst.
When Asia’s pollution arrives in Washington’s alpine lakes
by Dr. Frank M. Dunnivant, Professor of Chemistry, Whitman College
Most of the weather patterns arriving in the Pacific Northwest originate in Asia, and along with these air masses come many pollutants. While the actual concentrations are low, these near-detection limit amounts pose significant contributions to alpine lakes, especially given biomagnification in lake trout. We are investigating two sets of pollutants, chlorinated hydrocarbons and mercury.
How has Lake Sammamish water quality responded to land use change?
by Rachael Gravon and Deb Bouchard, King County
As the sixth largest lake in Washington and the second largest in King County, Lake Sammamish has been designated a water of statewide significance and is an important and valuable natural resource. It is one of the major recreational lakes in King County, and in 2014 was selected by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for one of eight national urban wildlife refuge programs.