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WATERLINE - June, 2022

Save October 19-21 for the 35th annual WALPA conference!

Washington State Lake Protection AssociationPlan to join us in Richland this October for the annual WALPA conference! This year’s theme, “Adaptive Lake Management to Prepare for the Future: The Future Ain’t What it Used To Be,” was chosen to highlight adaptive efforts to manage, protect, and restore our lakes.

Wednesday, October 19 will be a full day of workshops, the cost of which is included in conference registration. Learning sessions are slated for all day Thursday and half of Friday. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Adaptive management
  • Climate change
  • Nutrient management
  • Harmful algal blooms (HABs)
  • Invasive aquatic species
  • Volunteer monitoring/citizen science
  • Fish ecology
  • Student research
  • Projects in the Columbia River region
As in the past, Thursday evening will include the WALPA business meeting and social event with student poster presentations.

Submit an abstract by July 15!

Share your latest project or research by submitting an abstract for the conference. Abstracts may be submitted for either presentations and/or posters. Submit your abstract online; you will be asked for title, author(s) and a brief description of your presentation or poster. Abstracts are due July 15th.


Hotel Reservations

The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Richland on the Columbia River. Make reservations now via their online booking link or by calling (509) 946-7611 and refer to WALPA. Reserve your room before September 28 to receive the conference group rate of $105 +tax (for single occupancy).

Conference Registration

To register for the conference, check WALPA’s conference webpage in June, once pre-conference workshops have been finalized, at https://www.walpa.org/annual-conference/

Note: WALPA is excited to host an in-person conference in 2022. If you want to attend, but have financial constraints, please contact WALPA President Jen Oden or President-Elect Matt Colston.

We look forward to seeing you in Richland!