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WATERLINE - September, 2021

WALPA to boost social media presence

Social Media icons

With the growing popularity of social media, the WALPA communications team plans to emphasize our presence on multiple platforms in the coming months. The platforms WALPA currently uses to share resources and news include our website, Waterline, Facebook, and YouTube. We will expand this list by adding Twitter and LinkedIn to make our content more accessible and reach a broader community. All platforms will provide information about Washington lakes and WALPA events and news. Look for links to these new channels on the WALPA website soon.

What we need from you: We are seeking input from the community about the platforms you would like to see WALPA active on, as well as the content you think should be shown. What social media platforms do you use or think that WALPA should? Please email info@walpa.org with any suggestions about social media content and/or platforms for WALPA.


September 2021 HOME

Register now for WALPA’s 34th annual conference – now online!

Pilot project surveys the use of lakes and waterfront parks

Summer news from the Board

Dear Dr. Waterline:

WALPA to boost social media presence

WALPA scholarship awards recognize student research efforts


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  • WATERLINE is the newsletter of the Washington State Lake Protection Assoc. (WALPA).
    Send submissions to Polly Freeman at polly_freeman@msn.com

    Articles may be reproduced. Please credit WATERLINE.
    For information about the organization visit the WALPA home page


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