waskington state lake images
June, 2014

Remembering Billy Frank

Billy-Frank-JrStatement by President Obama on the passing of Billy Frank, Jr.
I was saddened to learn of the passing of Billy Frank, Jr., Chairman of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission and a member of the Nisqually Indian Tribe. Billy fought for treaty rights to fish the waters of the Pacific Northwest, a battle he finally won in 1974 after being arrested many times during tribal “fish-ins.”

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How juvenile trout and char use Ross Lake’s perennial tributaries

Heinrich_Berann_NPS_North_Cascadesby Emily Derenne, Master’s candidate, Western Washington University, and Leo Bodensteiner, Professor, Western Washington University

Ross Lake is a 23-mile long reservoir created by the installation of Ross Dam on the upper section of the Skagit River in 1949. Located at the southern end of the lake, Ross Dam is 540 feet high, and is operated by Seattle City Light to provide power to the city of Seattle. The lake is deepest near the dam and varies in depth with the season. During the winter, the lake is drawn down for storage to less than 100 feet deep. In the summer, the lake is filled to 400 feet deep for recreational access and more power generation.

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Join us this fall in Chelan for a focus on applied limnology


We hope to see you September 30th – October 2nd at Campbell’s Resort in Chelan for WALPA’s 27th annual conference. This year’s theme of Applied Limnology will cover a broad range of topics sure to appeal to a wide audience. Click the “read more” link for potential session topics.



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A new tool for lake protection in Mason County

By Marisa Burghdoff, Snohomish County Public Works, Surface Water Management

Since the 1980’s, lake communities across Washington have used Lake Management Districts (LMDs) as an important way to fund local activities like lake monitoring, restoration and controlling invasive plants. However, funds raised by an LMD could not previously be used to purchase property for conservation. Thanks to the efforts of an active community at Mason County’s Lake Nahwatzel and their work with Forterra, the Washington State Legislature recently passed ESB 6031…

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The Lake Nahwatzel Story:  An Unfinished Journey

Lake Nahwatzel 9-18-13 069By Bob Dick, President, Friends of Lake Nahwatzel

The story of Lake Nahwatzel is unfinished as a small, underfunded but dedicated group of citizens work to save a piece of habitat that will be invaluable as people continue to discover the Pacific Northwest.



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June 2014 HOME

Remembering Billy Frank

How juvenile trout and char use Ross Lake's perennial tributaries

Join us this fall in Chelan for a focus on applied limnology

A new tool for lake protection in Mason County

The Lake Nahwatzel Story: An Unfinished Journey


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  • WATERLINE is the newsletter of the Washington State Lake Protection Assoc. (WALPA).
    Send submissions to Polly Freeman at polly_freeman@msn.com

    Articles may be reproduced. Please credit WATERLINE.
    For information about the organization visit the WALPA home page


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