waskington state lake images
March, 2011

Lakes advocates have plenty to do in Olympia this year!

Phosphate free fertilizerThere are a number of bills that relate to lake health working their way through the state legislative process this year in Olympia. WALPA, along with others who promote healthy lakes, is tracking and working on four major bills.

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Join the WALPA Board of Directors!

WALPA is looking for dedicated lake advocates to join our team on the Board of Directors and Officers. Lake residents, lake users, employees of natural resource agencies, academics, and members of the scientific community are all welcome.

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Department of Ecology offers funds to manage aquatic weeds and control algae

For fiscal year 2012 (which begins July 1, 2011), Ecology’s Aquatic Weeds Management Fund has offered more than $500,000 to fund a number of weed control projects around Washington. Recipients include the Thurston County Noxious Weed Control Board for monitoring and removing the Brazilian elodea from the Chehalis River, the Cascade Water Alliance for eradicating Eurasian watermilfoil from Lake Tapps, and the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District for treating Moses Lake with aquatic herbicide to eliminate watermilfoil and manage noxious pondweed…

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Where are they now?
A report from Hans Berge, 2005 WALPA Scholarship winner

Hans BergI started graduate school at the University of Washington’s School of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences in the fall of 2002, working with Dr. Dave Beauchamp on a project to understand interactions in the food web of Lake Sammamish. This project was of interest to both my employer (King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks) and Dr. Beauchamp. I finished collecting data in Lake Sammamish in December of 2003, but I had additional coursework and laboratory analysis to complete before graduation…

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Volunteer detects aquatic invader in Snohomish County

Marsilea muticaby Marisa Burghdoff, Snohomish County

There are a number of bills that relate to lake health working their way through the state legislative process this year in Olympia. WALPA, along with others who promote healthy lakes, is tracking and working on four major bills…

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NALMS comes to the Northwest this fall!

Save the date and spread the word! The 31st International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) is coming to Spokane for the first time ever in 2011. It’s also the first time in nearly 20 years that NALMS has come to the Northwest at all, so we need strong local and regional sponsorship and attendance – from you!

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Lake advocates in Olympia

Join the WALPA Board of Directors!

DOE offers funds to control aquatic plants and algae

Where are they now? A report from Hans Berge

Volunteer detects aquatic invader in Snohomish County

NALMS comes to the Northwest this fall!


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  • WATERLINE is the newsletter of the Washington State Lake Protection Assoc. (WALPA).
    Send submissions to Polly Freeman at polly_freeman@msn.com

    Articles may be reproduced. Please credit WATERLINE.
    For information about the organization visit the WALPA home page


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