from OTT Hydromet, Gold Sponsor of the 2017 WALPA Conference
OTT Hydromet has a long history of offering dependable sensor technology in multiple parameter instruments for monitoring essential indicators required to assess water quality in natural waters. The OTT Hydromet family of long-term continuous monitors includes the HydroCAT-EP from Sea-Bird. This sonde is unique in that it plumbs the pH sensor in-line with conductivity, temperature, optical dissolved oxygen, and pH. Optical turbidity and chlorophyll sensors have a fully copper-protected window to reduce biofouling significantly. Using this approach, the HydroCAT-EP can be deployed for up to three months without requiring data processing to correct for drift. Read the case study (link below) to learn the results of an extended deployment of the instrument during 3½ biologically productive months in Shilshole Bay in Puget Sound.
View our case study on long-term monitoring with the HydroCAT-EP here