waskington state lake images
WATERLINE - March, 2023

Share photos of your favorite lake!

This year for Lake Appreciation Month, WALPA wants to see your photos of your favorite lake!  Please email your submissions with the link at the bottom of this page.

In July, during Lake Appreciation Month, we will be sharing your photos of our website, social media, and possibly other formats. Come back to our website in July to view lake photos from around the region!

In your email don’t forget to share the following info:

  • lake name
  • county
  • date of photograph and
  • your name. 
  • Certification of Originality & Usage Release: By sending an email with photos, I confirm that the submitted photograph described is an original photo taken by the undersigned and does not contain any copyrighted works. I have the consent of those whose faces are visible in the image. I give the Washington State Lake Protection Association all rights for use of this artwork in publications, media, and online, with attribution.
  • attach your photo(s)


Below is an example of how your email to WALPA should appear.